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MCQ's In Optometry (Anatomy, Development and Physiology of Eye)

MCQ's In Optometry

1. Anteroposterior diameter of normal adult eyeball is ::
A. 25 mm
B. 24 mm
C. 23.5 mm
D. 23 mm

2. Smallest diameter of the eyeball is::
A. Vertical
B. Horizontal
C. Anteroposterior
D. More than 24 mm

3. Circumference of an adult eyeball is::
A. 80 mm
B. 65 mm
C. 75 mm
D. 70 mm

4. Volume of an adult eyeball is::
A. 7.5 mL
B. 6.5 mL
C. 5.5 mL
D. 8 mL

5. Weight of an adult eyeball is::
A. 7 g
B. 9 g
C. 11 g
D. 13 g

6. Anterior segment of the eyeball includes structures lying in front of the::
A. Iris
B. Crystalline lens
C. Vitreous body
D. Cornea

7. Posterior segment of the eyeball includes structures present posterior to the::
A. Posterior surface of the lens and zonules
B. Iris and pupil
C. Vitreous body
D. Anterior surface of the lens and zonules

8. Diameter of an adult crystalline lens is::
A. 5–6 mm
B. 7–8 mm
C. 9–10 mm
D. 11–12 mm

9. Thickness of the adult crystalline lens is about::
A. 2.5 mm
B. 3.5 mm
C. 4.25 mm
D. 5 mm

10. Radius of curvature of the anterior surface of an adult crystalline lens with accommodation at rest is::
A. 7 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 8 mm
D. 9 mm

11. Capsule of the crystalline lens is thinnest at::
A. Anterior pole
B. Posterior pole
C. Equator
D. None of the above

12. Infantile nucleus of the crystalline lens refers to the nucleus developed from::
A. 3 months of gestation to till birth
B. Birth to one year of age
C. Birth to puberty
D. One year of age to 3 years of age

13. The lens fibres meet around the Y-shaped sutures in which part of nucleus of the crystalline lens::
A. Embryonic nucleus
B. Fetal nucleus
C. Infantile nucleus
D. All of the above

14. The youngest lens fibres are present in::
A. Central core of the lens nucleus
B. Outer layer of the nucleus
C. Deeper layer of the cortex
D. Superficial layer of the cortex

15. Schwalbe’s line forming part of the angle of anterior chamber is the prominent end of::
A. Sclera
B. Descemet’s membrane of cornea
C. Anterior limit of trabecular meshwork
D. Posterior limit of trabecular meshwork

16. In a normal adult person the depth of anterior chamber in the centre is about::
A. 2.5 mm
B. 3 mm
C. 3.5 mm
D. 4 mm

17. Is a sweat gland::
A. Gland of Moll
B. Gland of Zeis
C. Mebomian gland
D. All of the above

18. The layer of the cornea once destroyed does not regenerate is::
A. Epithelium
B. Bowman’s membrane
C. Descemet’s membrane
D. All of the above

19. All of the following are true about corneal endothelium except::
A. Cell density is about 3000 cells/mm2 at birth
B. Corneal decompensation occurs when cell count is decreased by 50 percent
C. Endothelial cells contain active pump mechanism
D. Endothelium is best examined by specular microscopy

20. Adult size of the cornea is attained by the age of::
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 9 years

For Answers of the above questions, Please watch this Video.

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