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Diseases of Cornea (Multiple Choice Questions)

 Diseases of Cornea

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31. Corneal reflex is lost in the disease of:

A. Ophthalmic nerve

B. Ciliary ganglion

C. Supra orbital nerve

D. Motor nucleus of 5th cranial nerve

Corneal reflex
Fig:- Corneal reflex

32. The commonest cause of hypopyon is:

A. Moraxella

B. Gonococcus

C. Pneumococcus

D. Staphylococcus

E. C. diphtheriae


Fig:- hypopyon

33. Keratomalacia includes the following except:

A. Night blindness

B. Severe pain in the eye

C. Xerosis of the cornea

D. Perforation of cornea


Fig:- Keratomalacia

34. Kayser Fleischer ring is found in which layer of cornea ?

A. Bowman’s membrane

B. Substantia propria

C. Descemet’s membrane

D. Endothelium


Kayser Fleischer ring
Fig:- Kayser Fleischer Ring

35. Corneal transparency is due to all except:

A. Normal IOP

B. Na+ K+ pump

C. Hypercellular stroma

D. Peculiar arrangement of stromal lamella


Fig:- Cornea

36. Condition which is always bilateral:

A. Infantile glaucoma

B. Megalocornea

C. Acute congestive glaucoma

D. All of the above

E. None of the above


Fig:- Megalocornea

37. Commonest causative organism of corneal ulcer is:

A. Pneumococci

B. Streptococci

C. Staphylococci

D. Fungal


corneal ulcer
Fig:- corneal ulcer

38. Corneal ulceration may be caused by injury to which cranial nerve:

A. Third

B. Fifth

C. Sixth

D. All of the above


corneal ulcer
Fig:- corneal ulcer

39. What type of corneal dystrophy is associated with acid mucopolysaccharidosis:

A. Granular

B. Lattice

C. Macular

D. Peripheral


corneal dystrophy
Fig:- Corneal Dystrophy

40. The colour of fluorescein staining in corneal ulcer is:

A. Yellow

B. Blue

C. Royal blue

D. Green

fluorescein staining
Fig:- Fluorescein Staining

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