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Diseases of cornea | Multilple Choice Questions

Diseases of cornea

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21. In photophthalmia site of lesions is:

A. Cornea

B. Retina

C. Optic nerve

D. All of the above

Human Eye Anatomy
Fig:- Human Eye Anatomy


22. Filamentary keratitis may occur:

A. In trachoma

B. In kerato conjunctivitis sicca

C. Following cataract surgery

D. All of the above


Filamentary keratitis
Fig:- Filamentary keratitis

23. Hutchinson’s triad includes all except:

A. Interstitial keratitis

B. Hutchinson’s teeth

C. Vestibular deafness

D. Flat nose bridge


Hutchinson’s triad
Fig:- Hutchinson’s triad

24. Interstitial keratitis may be associated with:

A. Congenital syphilis

B. Malaria

C. Sarcoidosis

D. All of the above


Interstitial keratitis
Fig:- Interstitial keratitis

25. Commonest causative organism of corneal ulcer is:

A. Pneumococcus

B. Staphylococcus

C. Streptococcus

D. Fungi


corneal ulcer
Fig:- Corneal ulcer 

26. Metabolically active corneal layer is:

A. Epithelium

B. Stroma

C. Descemet’s membrane

D. None of the above


corneal layer
Fig:- Corneal layers

27. Fascicular ulcer is seen in:

A. Phlyctenular keratitis

B. Rosacea keratitis

C. Riboflavin deficiency

D. All of the above


Phlyctenular keratitis
Fig:- Phlyctenular keratitis

28. Corneal dystrophy associated with acid mucopolysaccharidosis is:

A. Lattice

B. Granular

C. Macular

D. Peripheral


Fig:- Corneal dystrophy

29. All of the following result in loss of corneal sensations except:

A. Acute congestive glaucoma

B. Dendritic ulcer

C. Absolute glaucoma

D. Exposure keratitis


Exposure keratitis
Fig:- Exposure keratitis

30. The earliest symptom to occur in corneal ulcer is:

A. Pain

B. Photophobia

C. Loss of sensation

D. Diminished vision

corneal ulcer
Fig:- Corneal ulcer

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