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Herpes zoster ophthalmicus & Cornea | Multiple Choice Question in Optometry

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus & Cornea

11. Secondary glaucoma in early stage of herpes zoster ophthalmicus occurs due to:

A. Trabeculitis

B. Iridocyclitis

C. Haemorrhagic hypopyon

D. Hypersecretion of aqueous humour

E. All of the above

Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Fig: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

12. Systemic acyclovir in herpes zoster is useful:

A. When started immediately after the onset of rash

B. For post-herpetic neuralgia

C. For ocular lesions only

D. All of the above


Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Fig: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

13. Systemic corticosteroids in herpes zoster ophthalmicus are indicated when associated with:

A. Facial nerve palsy

B. Optic neuritis

C. Post-herpetic neuralgia

D. All of the above


Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Fig: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

14. The nerve which is most frequently involved in herpes zoster ophthalmicus is:

A. Frontal nerve

B. Nasociliary nerve

C. Lacrimal nerve

D. Facial nerve


Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Fig: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

15. Hutchinson’s rule in relation to herpes zoster ophthalmicus:

A. Implies that ocular involvement is infrequent if

the side or tip of the nose presents vesicles

B. Is based on involvement of nasociliary nerve

C. Is 100 percent predictor of ocular involvement

D. All of the above


Hutchinson’s rule
Fig:- Hutchinson Rule

16. Radial keratoneuritis is a feature of:

A. Acanthamoeba keratitis

B. Herpes zoster keratitis

C. Neuroparalytic keratitis

D. All of the above


Radial Keratoneuritis
Fig:- Radial Keratoneuritis

17. Exposure keratitis is not associated with:

A. 7th nerve paralysis

B. 5th nerve paralysis

C. Symblepharon

D. Ectropion


Exposure Keratitis
Fig:- Exposure Keratitis

18. All are features of rosacea keratitis except:

A. Corneal vascularisation

B. Associated blepharoconjunctivitis

C. Central superficial ulcer

D. Progresses to involve the whole cornea


Rosacea Keratitis
Fig:- Rosacea Keratitis

19. All are true for Mooren’s ulcer except:

A. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis

B. Advancing edge is undermined

C. Perforation is common

D. Floor of ulcer is quickly vascularised


Mooren's Ulcer
Fig:- Mooren's Ulcer

20. Photo-ophthalmia results from exposure to:

A. Ultraviolet rays

B. Infrared rays

C. b-irradiation

D. All of the above 

Eye Exposure
Fig:- Eye Exposure

For answer of the above questions, Please watch the given video....

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