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Diseases of Cornea | Multiple Choice Questions In Optometry

Diseases of Cornea

1. The organism which can invade the intact cornea epithelium and produce purulent corneal ulcer is:

A. Neisseria meningitidis

B. Pseudomonas pyocyanea

C. Pneumococcus

D. Streptococcus haemolyticus


2. Hypopyon ulcer may be produced by:

A. Pneumococcus

B. Pseudomonas

C. Gonococcus

D. All of the above


3. Ulcus serpens is caused by:

A. Pneumococcus

B. Pseudomonas

C. Gonococcus

D. All of the above


4. All are the causes of a non-healing corneal ulcer except:

A. Raised intraocular pressure

B. Associated iridocyclitis

C. Chronic dacryocystitis

D. Diabetes mellitus


5. Marginal catarrhal corneal ulcer is caused by:

A. Staphylococcus

B. Moraxella

C. Haemophilus

D. All of the above


6. Satellite lesions in the cornea may be seen in:

A. Fungal corneal ulcer

B. Bacterial corneal ulcer

C. Viral corneal ulcer

D. None of the above


7. Immune ring in the cornea is a feature of:

A. Bacterial corneal ulcer

B. Fungal corneal ulcer

C. Ring ulcer of the cornea

D. Disciform keratitis

8. Viral infections usually cause:

A. Conjunctivitis

B. Kerato conjunctivitis

C. Keratitis

D. Blepharo conjunctivitis


9. Is not the clinical presentation of herpes simplex keratitis:

A. Diffuse stromal necrotic keratitis

B. Punctate epithelial keratitis

C. Disciform keratitis

D. Nummular keratitis


10. Ocular complications in herpes zoster ophthalmicus usually appear:

A. At the subsidence of skin eruptions

B. Simultaneous with cutaneous lesions

C. Two days after the skin eruptions

D. During stage of erythematous skin lesions

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