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Diseases Of Cornea | Multiple Choice Questions

 Diseases Of Cornea

41. Metabolically most active layer of cornea is:

A. Endothelium

B. Stroma

C. Descemet’s membrane

D. Epithelium


layer of cornea
Fig:- Layer of cornea

42. Earliest symptom in corneal ulcer is:

A. Loss of sensation

B. Diminished vision

C. Photophobia

D. Pain


corneal ulcer
Fig:- Corneal Ulcer

43. Munson’s sign is seen in:

A. Keratoconus

B. Keratoglobus

C. Microcornea

D. All


Munson’s sign
Fig:- Munson’s sign

44. “Orange skin” cornea results due to:

A. Chalcosis

B. Siderosis

C. Ammonia burn

D. Mustard gas


Fig:- Cornea

45. Anterior lenticonus is seen in:

A. Marfan’s syndrome

B. Ehler Danlos syndrome

C. Weil-Marchessani syndrome

D. Homocystinuria


Fig:- Lenticonus

46. For transplantation, cornea is preserved in:

A. Modified MK medium

B. Glycerine medium

C. Wet medium

D. All of the above


MK medium
Fig:- MK medium

47. Microscopy of corneal ulcer showed branching septate hyphae. The probable diagnosis is:

A. Candida

B. Mucormycosis

C. Aspergillus

D. Histoplasma


Fig:- Aspergillus

48. Corneal epithelium is composed of:

A. Stratified keratinized epithelium

B. Stratified non-keratinized epithelium

C. Columnar epithelium

D. Pseudostratified epithelium

E. Transitional epithelium


Fig:- Cornea

49. Keratomalacia is associated with:

A. Measles

B. Mumps

C. Rubella

D. Chicken pox

Fig:- Keratomalacia

50. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is a predicator of:

A. Leukemia

B. Lymphoma


D. All of the above

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Fig:- Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

For answer of the above questions, Please watch the given video....

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