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MCQ's In Optometry (Anatomy, Development and Physiology of Eye) 4

MCQ's In Optometry

1. Normal A: V ratio of retinal blood vessels is:
A. 1 : 2
B. 2 : 3
C. 3 : 2
D. 3 : 4

2. ‘Safe zone’ of the eye ball is:
A. At the limbus
B. 3-4 mm behind the limbus
C. 8-9 mm behind the limbus
D. 12 mm behind the limbus
E. 1 mm behind the limbus

3. Yoke muscle for right superior rectus is:
A. Left superior rectus
B. Left inferior oblique
C. Left inferior rectus
D. Left superior oblique

4. The short posterior ciliary arteries are about in number:
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
E. 45

5. The canal of Schlemm possesses the following anatomic characteristics except:
A. Contains red cells
B. Contains aqueous
C. Lined by endothelium
D. Contains partitions resembling the dural venous sinuses

6. Muscle in the lid attached to posterior tarsal margin is:
A. Levator palpebrae superioris
B. Superior oblique
C. Muller’s muscle
D. Superior rectus

7. Which of the following extraocular muscle has sympathetic innervation:
A. Levator palpebrae superioris
B. Muller’s muscle
C. Superior rectus
D. Inferior rectus

8. Most sensitive part of eye is:
A. Fovea centralis
B. Macula lutea
C. Blind spot
D. Temporal retina

9. Volume of the vitreous is:
A. 2 mL
B. 3 mL
C. 4 mL
D. 7 mL

10. Avascular coat in eye is:
A. Sclera
B. Cornea
C. Retina
D. Choroid

11. Which continues to grow in the lifetime:
A. Cornea
B. Iris
C. Lens
D. Retina

12. Which part of orbicularis oculi is known as Horner’s muscle:
A. Orbital
B. Lacrimal
C. Temporal
D. Muller’s muscle

13. All visual reflexes are developed by:
A. 1 year
B. 2 year
C. 5 year
D. 10 year

14. Corneal endothelial cell count is done by:
A. Specular microscopy
B. Keratometry
C. Gonioscopy
D. Slit lamp

15. Anterior chamber depth:
A. Increases with age
B. Is lesser in women
C. Is lesser in myopes
D. Has hardly any effect on anterior chamber volume

For Answers of the above questions, Please watch this Video.

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